Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning

December 25, 2023

Graphing Assessment 

Focus area 5.1 Assess student learning  11 November 2023 Bianca Bartucciotto The artefact is an example of an open-ended Graphing task completed by Year 3s. Students were required to choose an investigation question, conduct a survey, create a bar graph and then create a justification on SeeSaw. I allowed the students to justify and explain their choices verbally rather than in writing. I incorporated ICT into the assessment. <

April 13, 2023

Report Comments for D Grade

Focus area 5.2 Provide feedback to students on their learning 11 November 2022 Bianca Bartucciotto The artefact is a redacted image of report comments made for a D Grade student from end of year reporting 2022.