Marble Classroom Behaviour Management Focus area 4.1 Support student participation Bianca Bartucciotto This is a photograph of my classroom management system used in Term 4, 2023 during a one-term contract in a Year 3 classroom. Students who worked to my expectations put marbles in the jar. Once full, the class would receive a reward as a community, creating community-based rewards systems.
Internship supervisor comment
Focus area 4.2 Manage classroom activities
Bianca Bartucciotto
This is a form from my internship coo-ordination about the professionalism I demonstrated in the classroom during my final placement.
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SeeSaw comment
Focus area 4.5 Use ICT safely, responsibly and ethically
Bianca Bartucciotto
This is a comment posted on SeeSaw to a student after they completed a Stop Motion animation of their spelling words for the first time. This was at a placement in the northern suburbs.
Focus area 4.1 Support student participation Bianca Bartucciotto This is a poster created for a term of relief in a Year 5 classroom at a private Catholic school in Perth’s Northern suburbs. This was a reward-based reading challenge to encourage an uptake of reading in the last term of school.
Click here for Artefact Supervisor Feedback Placement 1 Focus area 4.1 Support student participation Focus area 4.2 Manage classroom activities Focus area 4.3 Manage challenging behaviour Deb Hirste This is a report from my supervisor on my first placement where I took a class of Year 5s for poetry.